Saturday, February 10, 2018

Earlier this year Area 4 were given the use of one of three specially adapted minibuses. These were paid for by fines paid by Banks for the Libor infringements. The bus is available for any RNA branch in Area 4 to use and is located in Liskeard. Anyone wishing to use the bus please contact Warwick Belfitt or any member of the committee. The buses are named after personnel who have received Gallantry Awards.
Warrant Officer 1(RSM) Matthew Tomlinson CGC,
CPO Kate Middleton MC
Lt Cdr Ian Molyneux GM.

Matthew Tomlinson at the Cenotaph with the Minibus named after him.
Two of the Minibuses in Portsmouth with HMS Queen Elisabeth in the Background.

Anybody using the minibus is asked to provide details and photos to maintain a blog of its use.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Image result for skittles gameFollowing our committee meeting, we are considering starting a skittles league between ourselves and other RNA Branches. Anybody who would be interested in playing please give details to Warrick Belfitt.

Friday, February 2, 2018

2018 AGM

Liskeard Branch of the RNA held their Annual general Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 25 January prior to their monthly meeting. It was attended by 25 members.

The meeting was opened by the Chair (Marie Belfitt) who presented her report of 2017. This included events that had taken place and donations and collections that had taken place.

The Treasurer (Warrick Belfitt) presented his report ending with a statement that the branch was approximately £500 worse off than we were at the start of 2017.

Existing members of the committee were voted in and new positions were filled as follows;
Auditor 2                                Adam Strutt
Welfare Rep 2                       Terry Whitty
Bilge Rat Editor                     Adam Strutt
Assistant Standard Bearer   Jerry Fleming
Committee Member             Jerry Fleming

We are still looking for a fundraiser.

Our Area Representative Gordon Strudwick reported that the Branch had been represented at all Area Meetings last year and thanked John Lennon and Roger Grace for standing in when he was not available. He reported that a number of branches within Area 4 had closed, mainly due to falling numbers and advancing years.

The Dunn Trophy was presented to Warwick Bellfitt for all his hard work in keeping the Branch running smoothly.

A full set of minutes is available by request to