Thursday, July 5, 2018

HMS RALEIGH Year of the engineer 2018

 HMS Raleigh – Year of the Engineer 2018
Please see below the e-mail Central Office received from WO1 Pete Simpson who is OIC of Triumph Squadron in HMS Raleigh.

Good Afternoon,
By way of introduction I am Pete Simpson and am currently serving as the OiC of Triumph Squadron at HMS Raleigh which you may well remember as the “Fire School”. I joined the RN as an Artificer Apprentice in 1986 and whilst I didn’t serve in HMS Fisgard or HMS Caledonia I am very proud of my Artificer training.
As you may know, the Government has marked 2018 as the Year of Engineering and the RN is playing it’s part in this in many ways. As the majority of Naval Engineering ratings since WW2 commenced their careers in Torpoint either in Fisgard or Raleigh then it is only right that we here play our part. To that end on 28 September we will be holding an open day for RN Engineers past and present who joined up in Torpoint. The day will involve a tour of the present Phase 1 training site, a buffet lunch in the WO & SR mess followed by witnessing the ‘Passing Out’ of a large number of
Engineering Technicians. It is also hoped that we will be able to mark the day with the refurbishment and return to Torpoint of the Fisgard Clock which is currently in storage in the dockyard.
Would you be able to help me publicise this event amongst your members. If possible, can I humbly ask if your association Branches / Individual Shipmates would be able to make a donation towards the refurbishment of the clock? We have already secured some funding for this but still have some way to go in order to be able to achieve our aim.
The programme for the day will be as follows:
0915 – 0945 Guests arrive and directed to WO & SR Mess.
1000 Welcome Brief.
1015 – 1230 Establishment Tours (Phase 1 Accom, SM School. Gym, Fire School)
1230 Buffet Lunch in WO & SR Mess.
1330 – 1530 Witness POP.
1530 – 1730 Debrief in WO & SR Mess.
1800 All guests to be clear of the establishment
If you can assist or would like any other information please e-mail – or call me on 01752 811307
You can visit our website on for further details or simply click or call us in person on 01423 799949 whereby we will be happy to speak to you and answer your queries.